Showcase: The Great African Seaforest

After diving in Cape Town's water for the past five years, I placed my favourite footage into a short reel. Check it out!

The kelp forest of Cape Peninsula is one of the most diverse marine habitats in the world. The floating forest offers a home for many fish, invertebrates and other species that rely on them for shelter and food.

Freediving among the rich array of underwater life in the cold waters around the Cape Peninsula is a unique and unforgettable experience. You may be lucky enough even to swim with a seal, shark or whale!

Facts about the Great African Seaforest:

  1. The Great African Seaforest stretches for more than 1000 kilometres from Cape Agulhas to Northern Namibia

  2. In the Cape, strong southeasterly winds cause upwellings of rich nutrients from the depths of the ocean, providing food for marine animals

  3. The kelp forests grow what is sometimes called ‘sea bamboo’, a type of underwater plant (Ecklonia maxima) that can reach heights of 17 meters, forming an underwater canopy

  4. 30% of the known marine animals in South Africa are endemic, meaning they are only found in this part of the world.

The kelpforest is an incredible place to dive and explore from the rocky shores. Check out my gallery for the best underwater kelpforest photos, or book your tour!
